her time in skirts would not end with this event, but continue for the summer. Then, waves of guilt swept over her. Everything was just too confusing!

The rest of the ceremony was a blur for the perplexed youth as she tried to sort out her feelings and thoughts. While standing in the receiving line at the back of the church, she blushed demurely as she graciously accepted the many compliments bestowed upon her for her darling appearance and flawless performance. More and more she felt right being a girl and the idea of returning to pants tomorrow became unappetizing.

Helen and Fred were pleased that the wedding was going so smoothly. Fred kept glancing at demure and lovely Shelley, not able to accept that his often crude and nasty son had been so tamed by the petticoating.

Just before the wedding began, Helen had told him that Shelley looked like she'd been a prissy girl all her life. Her description of the changes wrought in Shelley's appearance by the make-over seemed quite impossible.

But, once he saw her for himself, he understood her excitement. All through the wedding he'd kept an eye on Shelley, fearing the youth would try to pull one of his practical jokes. Instead, he saw tears of happiness trickle down her pretty cheeks. The more he watched, the more he realized that Shelley was not his son.

Barry, Fred, Cindy, and Helen watched as the dainty flower girl eagerly posed for the wedding photographs. All were stunned when Shelley didn't even hesitate to pose kissing the ring bearer, Francis Grim, upon the cheek! All four wondered what had happened to erase the reticence they had expected. It was clear that Shelley was all girl without the slightest trace of boyishness. They all felt guilty for doing this to Sheldon, yet each also appreciated the soft, sweet girl they saw. She was much nicer, more considerate, more courteous, and just plain pleasant to be around than Sheldon had ever been. Each felt that if they had a choice, they would rather have Shelley than Sheldon. But they had made an agreement that if Sheldon accepted and satisfactorily performed the role of the flower girl without revealing his true

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self, they would consider his time of Petticoat Punishment completed. Since the entire family considered agreements sacred, none considered attempting to keep Shelley.

The reception went smoothly. During the meal, Shelley and Francis sat together and talked quite animatedly about the wedding. Francis found the pretty girl easy to talk to, and soon he was pouring his heart out to the pretty girl. Shelley listened, and the compassion she felt and sympathy she gave the sissy boy was heart-felt. Francis was a caring and very nice boy. Not a rough and tumble lad, but still all boy. Shelley made up her mind that once she returned to being Sheldon, she'd become close friends with the lonely boy. So what if it made him a sissy too, he now understood that Francis was not a faggotty sissy, and she wanted Sheldon to be the same.

Shelley eagerly danced with everyone. With Cindy and Francis, the three made the rounds of the guests. Everyone commented on the nicely-behaved youngsters and many stated bluntly that they were glad that Sheldon wasn't about to ruin the blessed celebration. Shelley accepted the condemnation, now knowing it was well deserved. She had never realized her actions and bad attitudes had been so annoying.

Barry took Shelley to the side just before he left and gave her a big hug.

"Thanks, Shelley, you were the perfect flower girl! Please don't tell this to anyone, but I think you did a better job than Cindy would have done!" Then, he kissed the blushing flower girl upon the cheek.

"Hey," Linda called out as she joined them. "What's the idea! He's my husband now! Go find yourself your own man!" Then she broke into giggles as she hugged the startled flower girl. "Thanks for filling in, Shelley. I don't know what we would have done if you hadn't been available! You were the perfect flower girl! You made our wedding complete!"

With that, she kissed the blushing flower girl.

By the time the reception ended, Shelley and Cindy were both quite exhausted. Helen smiled as she peered at the droopy-eyed duo. "Shelley, you were the perfect flower girl!

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